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Annual report on antisemitism in Italy 2023

Published 27.04.2024

As it does every year, the Antisemitism Observatory of the Contemporary Jewish Documentation Centre Foundation – CDEC – has produced the Report on Antisemitic Acts and Speeches in Italy in 2023, which provides researchers and institutions with a document analysing the phenomenon in our country.

The study begins with a presentation of statistical data on society and the population’s perception of security and well-being; this preamble contextualises anti-Semitism, setting it against the backdrop of the social, economic and cultural situation in Italy.

The data collected show a marked increase in acts. On the basis of 923 reports, the Observatory identified 454 acts of antisemitism in 2023, a sharp increase compared to the 241 acts identified in 2022. Of these, 259 involved online anti-Semitism and 195 involved physical acts, including 1 assault and 40 cases of threats. Conspiracy, the main ideological matrix fuelling anti-Jewish hatred, is now joined by reactions linked to tensions in the Middle East. Indeed, following the latest developments in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, acts against Jews have increased in number and changed in form: the number of incidents recorded between October and December is 216, about half of which took place offline.

The report presents an in-depth analysis of anti-Semitism, enriched by an extensive annotated anthology of social web posts and an overview of good practice in combating antisemitic hatred in 2023. The study concludes with a focus on the situation, perceptions and concerns of young Italian Jews.


filetype-iconpdf (3MB) Annual report on antisemitism in Italy 2023