EPNA has formed multiple dedicated working groups, fostering a collaborative environment where our members can come together to work on specific topics.

Establishment of Working Groups:

For those who couldn’t make it to our recent check-in, here are additional updates:

  1. Working Groups: We have established four working groups, each responsible for different aspects of our mission. Contact the respective group leads if you’re interested in contributing. These groups will play a pivotal role in our future activities.
    • Working Group 1: Holocaust Education and the Fight against Holocaust Distortion/Denial
    • Working Group 2: Addressing Antisemitism in Schools, Universities, and Among Younger People
    • Working Group 3: Exploring the Intersection of Antisemitism, Racism, Conspiracy Ideology, and Misogyny
    • Working Group 4: Tackling Online Antisemitism, Fake News, and Online Radicalization