Registration is closed: EPNA Spring Workshop in Budapest, 17th—19th Apr

EPNA members are getting ready for the next in-person workshop in Budapest from April 17th to 19th, 2024!

UPDATE – 27th February 2024: We are by now already fully booked and are very much looking forward to meet everyone very soon.


Workshop „Hands-On Against Antisemitism“ in Berlin

Against the backdrop of the Hamas terror attacks and the ongoing war in Israel and Gaza, an enormously important event for DialoguePerspectives e.V. took place from 5–7 December.


Updates & Major Changes in the Face of Current Events

EPNA is deeply cognizant of the considerable stress placed upon those combatting antisemitism and racism in the current climate. Consequently, we have chosen to implement significant changes.


Getting Things Done: EPNA’s Working Groups

EPNA has formed multiple dedicated working groups, fostering a collaborative environment where our members can come together to work on specific topics.


Registration Open: EPNA Workshop in Berlin, 5th-7th Dec

The European Practitioners Network against Antisemitism (EPNA) is excited to announce that registration is now open for our upcoming Berlin Workshop, scheduled for December 5th to 7th.


Kickoff: European Practitioners Network against Antisemitism (EPNA)

EPNA’s kickoff event in September 2023 united 38 individuals from 34 European civil society organizations. We introduced our ideas for future collaboration and a microgrant programme as well as our plans for the future.
